Transformational self-leadership coaching for professionals in high-pressure roles

Find Inner-Resilience, Fulfillment, and Balance

Get Unstuck

If the pressure to achieve more and more has taken a toll on your well-being and sabotaged the life you truly want, know that it doesn’t have to be this way. By developing self-awareness, inner resilience, and courageous self-leadership skills through coaching, you can get unstuck and overcome what’s holding you back from a life of deeper fulfillment and balance.

Start your transformative coaching journey today!

A fulfilling, balanced life is possible for you!

Investing in yourself can impact every aspect of your life. (And the ROI benefits everyone around you, too!) Here are a few potential benefits of heart-centered, self-leadership coaching.

  • Improve your problem-solving, productivity, and interpersonal skills, leading to greater agency, impact, confidence, and satisfaction.

  • Foster self-motivation and care, leading to reduced stress and overall well-being.

  • Strengthen your communication skills and emotional awareness, leading to deeper connection and understanding.

  • Integrate healthy boundaries, leading to greater harmony and connection with those you love most.

  • Elevate your social, emotional, and communication skills, leading to more supportive, richer relationships.

  • Discover how to engage more fully with those around you, leading to a greater sense of joy and contribution.

Start your transformative coaching journey today!

“Tamara helped me get in touch with my strengths and develop the muscles to project them into all aspects of my life. She designed a plan for my specific needs and developmental objectives and accompanied me in my journey to find my unique voice and vision. Throughout the process, she was a supportive, nurturing, intuitive, empathic, compassionate, and sounding guide. I now feel strong on my feet, with vibrant energy, rising confidence, and inner balance.”

– Carolina, Business Development & Strategy Manager

Are you under too much pressure?

Notice The Danger Signs

There’s a lot on your shoulders. Deadlines to meet. Decisions to make. Strategies to set. Clients and colleagues to take care of. Unfortunately, you can’t escape the weight of responsibilities when you go home, either. You feel you must achieve more every single day but rarely have the satisfaction of ever feeling “done.”

  • Pushing yourself to burnout

  • Compromising your well-being

  • Sabotaging what you truly want

  • Feeling obligated to take on more

  • Letting your inner critic take the wheel

No one is tougher on you than your inner critic.

“Perform! Do more! Do better!” – Your Inner Critic

If you’re like me, you were raised with values to do your best and make a difference no matter what. As a result, you developed an inner voice that has served as your guide (for better or worse). At her worst, she’s an incessant critic who tells you, “There’s no room for failure! There’s more to do!”

Maybe you keep your inner critic around because her demands have helped you “climb the ladder.” Maybe her emphasis on your potential failure helped you get that degree or that important job title. 

But here’s the thing—she’s never satisfied, is she? You’ve ticked so many boxes of external success, but she always wants more. More impact. More growth. More achievements. It’s no wonder imposter syndrome rears its head now and again.

Your inner critic demands that you stay strong—just do more. But in a state of chronic “more-ness,” you wonder, “When will it be enough?”…“When will I be enough?”

Can you relate?

Deep down, you know there’s a better way to live.

Somewhere along the way, your inner voice became so critical that she sabotaged your sense of self-worth and well-being. Suddenly, the fulfilling life you thought you were pursuing feels unclear or impossible to attain. Now, you’re under pressure to achieve more for the sake of others while abandoning your own needs. All the while, nothing ever feels like it’s enough, and you feel stuck.

  • You’re juggling everything at work and home with little time to consider what you want. 

  • You’re wondering if you have what it takes to continue to succeed in your career.

  • You often feel taken for granted in your relationships but unsure about the resolution.

  • You feel bad that you lack the capacity to make a bigger difference in your community.

  • Your to-do list gets longer every day, no matter how much you check off.

  • Your body is always tense, but you have no time to care for yourself.

  • You lay awake at night, often feeling overwhelmed, anxious, depressed, and defeated.

Deep down, you know there must be a better way to live—a life that feels more balanced and fulfilling. Unfortunately, you’re unsure how to move forward. You feel stuck and frustrated. Your inner critic screams, “Impossible! You’re not worth the investment, anyway.”

Oh, but you are worth it!

Hi, I’m Tamara Kiwi—I’ve been in your shoes.

I was on auto-pilot until my entire world flipped upside down.

Before becoming a self-leadership coach, I was working in demanding jobs in professional development and law that felt soul-crushing at times. Though some might have considered me “successful,” I didn’t feel that way. I found myself completely burned out and uncertain how to get unstuck and become realigned with what mattered to me. 

Yet, rather than take steps to pursue fulfillment and balance, I resorted to living on auto-pilot while letting my inner critic take the wheel. As a result, I remained depressed and defeated—stuck in the negative thought patterns and behaviors that held me back. 

Until one year, my entire world flipped upside down. 

I lost my two best friends. I was devastated. Suddenly, I was startled awake from driving on auto-pilot. I was reminded of the frailty of life. I realized I could no longer let my inner critic drive. So, I took a courageous step to work with a coach on the limiting beliefs holding me back from the fulfilling life I longed for.

Through the process of being coached myself, I learned that change starts with awareness. Through self-awareness, I connected with my resilience and discovered the power of my inner coach (not my inner critic!), mindful self-compassion, and creating a new narrative. 

The best part is I started to lead my life more courageously. It was a powerful experience, and it transformed my life for the better. 

It’s possible for you to finally feel enough, too. It’s possible to have greater balance and a deeper sense of fulfillment in your life. This is why I’m on a mission to help professionals like you transform their mindset and relationships with themselves so they can overcome the self-limiting beliefs and self-sabotaging behaviors getting in the way of having the fulfilling life they desire.


You’re worth the investment!

“Working with Tamara Kiwi is one of the best investments in myself that I ever made. Being coached by Tamara helped me to grow professionally and personally in ways I never thought I could. Tamara is an intelligent, kind coach who is able to provide an insightful, honest perspective.”

– Christine, Author

Tamara Kiwi’s Expertise & Experience

Juris Doctor in Law & Psychology Education

15+ Year Career As an Attorney & Professional Development Leader

Certified Integral Professional Coach™

Cognitive Human Behavior, Mindfulness, Somatics, Meditation & Inner Resilience

5+ Years Coaching

Juris Doctor in Law & Psychology Education • 15+ Year Career As an Attorney & Professional Development Leader • Certified Integral Professional Coach™ • Cognitive Human Behavior, Mindfulness, Somatics, Meditation & Inner Resilience • 5+ Years Coaching •

My Coaching Approach:
The Heart-Centered Warrior

Transformation starts with your heart center—the core of who you are.

In each coaching session, I strive to create a nonjudgmental, safe space for conversation, collaboration, and learning. The goal is not simply to boost your confidence or advance your career (though those may be positive outcomes)—it’s about transforming your mindset, behaviors, and relationships from the inside out.

It’s about unleashing your Heart-Centered Warrior!

  • Identifying negative thought patterns, false inner narratives, and limiting beliefs while helping you see what’s possible

  • Developing a growth mindset, creating a healthy balance at home and work, and building healthy relationships with yourself and others

  • Learning and practicing mindfulness, inner resilience, and somatics (mind-body integration) to create new patterns for effective thinking and behavior

As your coach and advocate, my goal is to help you get unstuck and unleash your Heart-Centered Warrior so you can experience the fulfilling, balanced life I know is possible for you!

“Tamara is a wonderful, positive, caring, and truly a natural one-of-a-kind coach. I had the pleasure of working with her as she coached me through some hurdles that I needed to cross within myself with my business, I was struggling and trying to pinpoint some areas that I was having difficulties with. Tamara’s coaching skills were warm and motivating and it allowed me to open up to her so that she could help me develop muscles within myself to help me achieve my goal. After each session, I always left feeling awakened, inspired, and excited for the following session. I’m very grateful to have worked with Tamara during a challenging period in my life. I highly recommend her amazing services.”

– Jacqueline, Personal Trainer & Health Coach

Are you ready to
let go of what’s holding you back?

Start your transformative coaching journey today.

  • During this initial call, we’ll discuss your goals and explore our connection with each other. It’s important that you feel a sense of trust in me as your coach to get the most out of your experience.

  • To start your coaching journey, we will begin by developing awareness around your unique challenges and customizing your coaching experience to your needs.

  • Slowly but surely, as you go through the coaching process, you will start to feel a greater sense of clarity, confidence, and courage to start living a more fulfilling, balanced life.

And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.”

- Anaïs Nin

Start your transformative coaching journey today.

You are worth the investment!


Don’t risk being pushed to the point of burnout, compromising your well-being, or sabotaging the things you truly want in life.

Experience freedom, balance, connection, joy, gratitude, courage, agency, and resilience. 

It’s time to find fulfillment and discover what it’s like to finally feel enough.

I look forward to connecting with you!

Free Guide

Start building your inner resilience today!

Discover proven strategies to help you recognize and break free from the berating, blaming, shaming, up-your-gaming Inner Critic so you can start listening to your resilient Inner Coach and experience greater confidence personally and professionally.